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Operation Theater

How are Hemorrhoids Treated?

It is important that symptoms be evaluated by a colon-rectal surgeon before you try self-treatment. A colon-rectal surgeon will perform a thorough examination and recommend treatment.  The physicians at Connecticut Colon & Rectal Surgery, LLC develops an individualized treatment plan based on where your hemorrhoids are and the kind of symptoms you are experiencing.  If your symptoms are mild, a nonsurgical approach may be advised.  However, if your symptoms are severe, surgical intervention may be recommended.

Non-Surgical Treatment



With nonsurgical treatment, pain and swelling usually decrease in two to seven days. The firm lump should recede within four to six weeks. Treatment includes:


  • Eating a high-fiber diet

  • Taking over-the-counter fiber supplements to make stools soft, formed and bulky

  • Avoiding excessive straining to reduce the pressure on hemorrhoids and to prevent protrusion

  • Shortening time spent on the toilet to 1-2 minutes to help prevent protrusion

  • Drinking more water to help prevent hard stool and aid in healing





Rubber Band Ligation



Rubber band ligation is a procedure in which the hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands, cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid.  This treatment is only for internal hemorrhoids.


To do this procedure, a doctor inserts a viewing instrument (anoscope) into the anus.  The hemorrhoid is grasp with an instrument that resembles forceps, and a device places a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid.


The hemorrhoid then shrinks and dies and, in about a week, falls off.  A scar will form in the place of the hemorrhoid, holding nearby veins so they don’t bulge into the anal canal.


After the procedure, you may feel pain and have a sensation of fullness in the lower abdominal, or you may feel as if you need to have a bowel movement.


Treatment is limited to 1 to 2 hemorrhoids at a time if done in the doctor’s office.  Several hemorrhoids may be treated at one time if the person is under anesthesia.  Additional areas may be treated in 4-to-6 week intervals.



























Surgical Treatment



If your hemorrhoid symptoms are severe, surgical treatment may be advised.  If you are suffering from an external thrombosed hemorrhoid, your physician may decide to remove (excise) the hemorrhoid and/or clot with a small incision.  This procedure can typically be done at the physician’s office but in some circumstances, it may have to be performed outpatient at an ambulatory surgical center or hospital.








This is the most complete surgical method for removing extra tissue that causes bleeding and protrusion.  It is done for both external and internal hemorrhoids under anesthesia using sutures or a special surgical device.  Hemorrhoidectomy is considered when:


  1. Repeated external thrombosed hemorrhoids form

  2. Ligation is not effective in treating internal hemorrhoids

  3. The protruding hemorrhoid cannot be reduced

  4. There is chronic bleeding




If you believe you are suffering from hemorrhoids and want to relieve your discomfort, give our office a call at (860) 826-3880 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online.  If appropriate and availability allows, a consultation appointment will be scheduled for you to be seen by one of our experienced physicians, generally, within a two-week timeframe of contacting the office.  Procedures are generally scheduled shortly thereafter.


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